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Package com.koloboke.compile.hash.algo.openaddressing

Contains annotation specifying that Koloboke Compile should generate implementations of the annotated types based on hash tables with open addressing strategy of collision resolution, using a particular probing scheme and related aspects of the hash table implementation, such us table capacity choice.

See: Description

Package com.koloboke.compile.hash.algo.openaddressing Description

Contains annotation specifying that Koloboke Compile should generate implementations of the annotated types based on hash tables with open addressing strategy of collision resolution, using a particular probing scheme and related aspects of the hash table implementation, such us table capacity choice.

At most one annotation of an annotation type from this package could be applied to a class or a interface.

If none of the annotations from this package is applied to a @KolobokeMap- or @KolobokeSet-annotated type, Koloboke Compile generates an implementation using the linear probing scheme. However, the default algorithm might be changed in any future version of Koloboke Compile.

In the Koloboke Collections implementation library, implementation probing scheme is chosen per-factory, depending on the configured HashConfig via the HashContainerFactory.withHashConfig(com.koloboke.collect.hash.HashConfig) method.

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