Interface DoubleBinaryOperator

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DoubleBinaryOperator
extends DoubleDoubleToDoubleFunction

Represents an operation upon two double-valued operands and producing a double-valued result. This is the primitive type specialization of BinaryOperator for double.

Unlike DoubleDoubleToDoubleFunction, this operator is supposed to accept two homogeneous arguments and produce a result homogeneous to the arguments, e. g. value merging in ObjDoubleMap.merge(Object, double, DoubleBinaryOperator) method.

See Also:
BinaryOperator, DoubleUnaryOperator

Method Summary
 double applyAsDouble(double left, double right)
          Applies this operator to the given operands.

Method Detail


double applyAsDouble(double left,
                     double right)
Applies this operator to the given operands.

Specified by:
applyAsDouble in interface DoubleDoubleToDoubleFunction
left - the first operand
right - the second operand
the operator result